
BBQ Pulled “Pork” Bun

BBQ Pulled “Pork” Bun

At least 2 years ago I watched a video about this vegan BBQ pork and since then I wanted to try it. This recipe uses Jackfruit as a base, this fruit has a texture that’s completely like shredded meat or fish (next time I’ll try […]

Almond pie

Almond pie

Desserts are not my thing, not eating nor making them. Sometimes I crave for sweets, then I’d make some microwave choco cake or just mix chocolate with fruits, I’d eat and regret it and wait 2 months for the next craving. I regret because after […]

Black Olives Paste

Black Olives Paste

Do you want something easy to grab from the fridge, for that moment when you arrive home from work and you are starving like hell? This olive paste is the perfect solution that can last for at least one week (I always eat all of […]

Spinach Quiche

Spinach Quiche

I make this quiche since long time ago, it was created after I realised I liked quiche concept but not much the “eggy” taste, so I created my own that was being developed over the years. My first version contained schrimps, the second version just […]

Sweet Potato Bread – Bolo do Caco

Sweet Potato Bread – Bolo do Caco

That’s a speciality from Madeira, one of the Portuguese islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Traditionally to eat with garlic butter, now you can find in any sandwich/burger restaurant around Portugal (at least in Lisbon). Super tasty and with a boost of vitamin A “to make […]

Home Made Burger Menu

Home Made Burger Menu

Sunday is Sofa’s day, means also that most of the times is my fast food day. Usually I would get some Pizza, crappy sushi or Burger with french fries. Last Sunday I was craving for a big burger menu, with all I’m entitled to… I […]

Quiche/ Pie Dough

Quiche/ Pie Dough

I learned this recipe when I wanted to make a pie but I had no margarine at home.  

My Burritos

My Burritos

I made my first burrito after some episodes of Dexter where some characters eat big american burritos from a food truck. At that time I never had tried real burritos nor even fake ones. The only Mexican restaurant at that time in Lisbon was expensive […]