
BBQ Pulled “Pork” Bun

BBQ Pulled “Pork” Bun

At least 2 years ago I watched a video about this vegan BBQ pork and since then I wanted to try it. This recipe uses Jackfruit as a base, this fruit has a texture that’s completely like shredded meat or fish (next time I’ll try […]

Sweet Potato Bread – Bolo do Caco

Sweet Potato Bread – Bolo do Caco

That’s a speciality from Madeira, one of the Portuguese islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Traditionally to eat with garlic butter, now you can find in any sandwich/burger restaurant around Portugal (at least in Lisbon). Super tasty and with a boost of vitamin A “to make […]

Home Made Burger Menu

Home Made Burger Menu

Sunday is Sofa’s day, means also that most of the times is my fast food day. Usually I would get some Pizza, crappy sushi or Burger with french fries. Last Sunday I was craving for a big burger menu, with all I’m entitled to… I […]

My Burritos

My Burritos

I made my first burrito after some episodes of Dexter where some characters eat big american burritos from a food truck. At that time I never had tried real burritos nor even fake ones. The only Mexican restaurant at that time in Lisbon was expensive […]