Home Made Burger Menu

Home Made Burger Menu

Sunday is Sofa’s day, means also that most of the times is my fast food day. Usually I would get some Pizza, crappy sushi or Burger with french fries. Last Sunday I was craving for a big burger menu, with all I’m entitled to… I went online and checked all the vegetarian or vegan options. I had a mission and I got disappointed. I know there are some good vegan burgers in Hamburg, but not available to delivery at my place 🙁 Before I got too hungry and angry I add to think about an alternative with only the ingredients I had at home.  There it is, as Burger menu kind of gourmet looking made in 1 hour or less. You might think is way too much time and trouble to make such kind of food but it’s worthy when you crave for a burger, and you don’t need to wait 30 minutes to get your already cold and sad french fries 😉

For more types of veggie burgers click here.

Home Made Burger Menu

September 19, 2017
: 4
: 1 hr
: Medium

It sound a bunch of work but it's worthy. And just more 30 minutes than if you order it online...


  • Burger buns:
  • 7g Instant yeast (+/- one individual pack)
  • 280ml Warm water
  • 80ml Oil
  • 50g Sugar
  • 50g Margarine
  • 1 Tsp Salt
  • 3½ Cups All-purpose flour
  • ---
  • Burgers:
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • 3 cm of chopped leek or a small onion
  • 1 tsp of Mustard
  • 2 tbsp tomato sauce
  • 2 chopped garlic cloves
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 tsp paprika or half cup of chopped fresh red bell pepper
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 2 tsp thyme (dried or fresh)
  • Pepper, nutmeg and salt to taste
  • 2 tbsp cummins
  • 1 can of kidney beans
  • 3 tbsp of breadcrumbs (can be more)
  • Chopped coriander or parsley (optional)
  • ---
  • French Fries:
  • 5 medium size potatoes
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • Paprika, salt, pepper, thyme and rosemary to taste
  • ---
  • Addons:
  • Caramelized onions:
  • 1 big onion sliced
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Some drops of olive oil
  • ---
  • Garlic Mayo:
  • Vegan Mayonnaise
  • 1 garlic clove very fine chopped
  • Your favorite herbs
  • Step 1 In a big bowl mix all the buns ingredients but the flour by the order in the list. Mix it and wait 10 minutes.
  • Step 2 Cut roughly the onion in slices, add a little bit of olive oil in a pan and cook the onions with salt until they are brown and sweet (around 30 minutes). Stir occasionally.
  • Step 3 Wash the potatoes, leave the skin and just cut it in a french fries shape. In an oven tray, mix the olive oil and the spices on the potatoes and spread them along the tray. Bake it for about 30 minutes high heat or until the potatoes are crispy outside but soft inside.
  • Step 4 Meanwhile, go back to your bowl with the buns mix, add the flour and mix it well with a wooden spoon, add more flour and work the dough with your hands until is not sticky anymore. Cut the dough in half and store half in the freezer for next time. With the other half make some discs, smaller than a size of a burger and let it rest in a tray (with baking paper for example), cover it with a damp kitchen towel for 30 minutes. Let it grow 🙂
  • Step 5 In a small pot, add the olive oil and fry the leek (or onion), the garlic and the bay leaf for about 5 minutes. Add paprika, cayenne, pepper, salt and nutmeg, let it fry a bit. Now you can add the mustard and the tomato sauce, stir and add thyme. Turn off the heat and reserve this sofrito sauce.
  • Step 6 Open the can of beans and dry it out. Throw the beans into a big bowl and add the breadcrumbs and cummins. Mush it all but let some bean pieces bigger, not like a puree.
  • Step 7 Get the sofrito sauce and take the bay leaf out. Add the sauce into the beans bowl and mix it well with a spoon. Check the seasoning. Make some burger shape discs and fry them in a pan with oil or in the oven (around 15 minutes in the oven). If it’s too moist to shape it, add more breadcrumbs.
  • Step 8 Get back to the buns and bake it for about 10 minutes or until golden and puffy. You can add before baking some melted vegetable butter on the top and sprinkle sesame seeds to make it really professional.
  • Step 9 In a small bowl or shot glass, mix the vegan mayonnaise with the fine chopped garlic.
  • Step 10 Final steps, check the potatoes, add more salt if necessary. Place them in a basket with the mayo in a handy spot. Assemble the burger, cut the bread bun in half, add some ketchup, mustard or another fillings (lettuce for example). Don’t forget the caramelized onions on the top of the burger, they are there for a reason, to give this moist texture that a bean burger without cheese lacks of 🙂

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